The Omaha Police Department (OPD) has secured funding to host Code 9 S.H.A.R.E.  Code 9 responded to their agency after the murder of Det. Kerrie OROZCO.  OPD is continuing their proactive approach to mental health and wellness, thus the free training.

Code 9’s main webpage is here.  If you select Programs, it will drop down and S.H.A.R.E.  is the option to select for more information, or just click here.  All three of the sessions that will be offered have flyers attached.  NOTE:  Date and times listed in this posting are for the first date for the first course offered.  Please make sure you note the specific dates listed in the flyers for the training of your interest.

There will be three different sessions:

AUG 9-10th for COMMAND ONLY  –  two days

AUG 11-12th for OFFICERS ONLY  –  two days

AUG 13th for FAMILY MEMBERS (adult)  –  one day

If anyone in your agency is interested in attending, fill out the Google Form “Outside LE.”

 Outside LE – Code 9 SHARE

Any family members that are interested in attending, should fill out this Google Form “Family”.

 Family – Code 9 SHARE

The location will be disclosed upon selection NLT 29JUL22, but it will be in the Omaha Metro area.

If you have any questions please email